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Dinobatkan Dalam Jajaran Anak Muda Paling Berpengaruh Versi Forbes Indonesia, Faye Hasian Ternyata Buakn Berasal dari Keluarga Sembarangan, Kakeknya Salah Satu Tangan Kanan Pemimpin Indonesia

None - Senin, 24 Februari 2020 | 06:13
Faye Hasian Simanjuntak, cucu Luhut Binsar Panjaitan yang masuk salah satu anak muda paling berpengaruh di Indonesia.

Faye Hasian Simanjuntak, cucu Luhut Binsar Panjaitan yang masuk salah satu anak muda paling berpengaruh di Indonesia.

That being said, this year, we are proud to present Forbes Indonesia 30 Under 30 2020.

From the submissions we received, we were able to see the enthusiasm of aspiring youths in Indonesia.

They have proven themselves that age is not an issue when it comes to contributing to society, innovating, and making achievement.

In the second batch of this prestigious list, we have honorees from 7 different sectors, namely: Art, Style & Entertainment; Business & Entrepreneur; Politics & Law; Social Entrepreneur & Philanthropy; Sports; Technology; and Venture Capital.

The list was gathered from submissions and research done by Forbes Indonesia’s editors involving three judges: Founder & CEO of PT Haldin Pacific Semesta Alisjahbana Haliman, and Cofounders of @saabshares @elenabensawan & @sabrinabensawan , who are alumni of Forbes Indonesia 30 Under 30 2019.

Certainly, there are more bright Indonesian youths out there than what the list can accommodate.

Thus we wish to keep on expanding our 30 Under 30 list and encouraging you to participate in the following years.

We will be waiting for your submission!"

Faye Hasian Simanjuntak merupakan wanita kelahiran 10 April 2002.

Selama ini, dia selalu menjadi aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia untuk anak dan perempuan yang berasal dari Indonesia.

Faye mendirikan yayasan anti perdagangan anak sekaligus founder dari Rumah Faye di Batam.

Baca Juga: Bergaya Layaknya Koboi Jalanan, Pengemis Cilik Ini Terpaksa Diciduk Polisi Usai Todongkan Pistol Saat Mengemis, Ternyata Ini Fakta Dibaliknya


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